The 3905 Century Club is an international amateur radio club founded in 1977. For over 45 years the club has operated the premier Worked All States, DX and awards nets on the amateur bands and has thousands of members across the globe.

If you want to earn your WAS award or other fun awards, this is the place to do it. We run nets on 20m, 40, 75/80, and 160m in SSB, RTTY, PSK and CW modes.
We offer over 40 awards.

If you're ready to get started see the net schedule below for today's nets and come join us. If you need more information click on "information for New Check-ins" on the left, or contact our Member Communications and Services Manager:

Gary Slagle, K9GWS

Nets Scheduled for the next 24 hours
Net Name Zulu Date/Time Frequency DX Freq. NCS notes Checkins
3905 40m SSB Early Net 02-13 00:00 7.2675 KC1YL
3905 75m SSB Early Net 02-13 03:00 3.902 W8JCS
3905 80m RTTY Net 02-13 04:00 3.586 AD5XD
3905 160m SSB Late Net 02-13 04:00 1.926 K9GWS
3905 40m SSB Late Net 02-13 05:00 7.188 KL7OR
3905 75m SSB Late Net 02-13 06:00 3.909 K4JEL